Imaginary Ecologies

In my work, I participate in the endless relations of beings and objects I find and collect. Woods, grasses, fungi, bones, stones have existed in complex relationships with each other since infinite times, independent of our human perception. From these encounters I create photographic spaces to imaginarily engage in a more-than-human world. By opening up such a perspective, and actively looking out for other beings of the phenomenal world, a broad willingness for dialogue opens up. As a consequence, the contrast between the rational and the irrational may start to fluctuate, while clarities and certainties become fragile; the real might move closer to the surreal, while the distinctions between life and non-life tend to get blurry.  Photography, then, allows us to recognize the silent fragments of nature as being different from us, but as also originating from the very same ontological ground– a network that consists of countless vital beings existing simultaneously and in mutual interdependence. Here, the photographic image becomes a tool for cognition: it not only represents the world, but makes it visible, perceptible - evoking an imaginary ecology that consists of endless interwoven lives beneath our perception.